The following was submitted by Scott Dawson (Hatteras). The extended definitions first four words were provided by Dr. Blair A. Rudes.
Paquiwoc is the oldest name we have for the village where Avon sits today. It means ‘people of the shallows’ [pa:kwe – shallow – (w)ak is the animated plural (= people of)]
Kinnakeet next appears on maps in the same place as Paquiwoc and is derived from the Algonquian word Kinahkink, which means ‘sharp-land-place’ or ‘land jetting into something’ ie Pamlico Sound. The distortion of –ink into eet in English spelling is not unusual. Ahyny means ‘the flats’ so Kinnakeet is flat land that jets into something.
Croatoan is the English spelling of kurawoten pronounced (kuh-ra-woe-tain), which means ‘talking or council town.’ It is possible that it could be from the word kuroten which means main town or permanent town. The later English spelling of Croatan sounds more like the ‘kuroten’ word and archeological research suggests that a permanent village has been in Buxton since 400ad.
Wokokon seems to come from Woccon which means sacred or powerful and refers to Ocracoke Island. Ocracoke’s meaning is a mystery but the suffix ‘oke’ makes it a plural word.
Apis —————-Sit Down
Artamockes ——-Loon (bird)
Ascopo ———— Sweet Bay (tree)
Chaham ———–Shad (fish)
Chachaquises —- Woodpecker
Crenepos ———-Women
Chicamacomico—Place that is swept
Chingwusso——-Chanel Bass (fish)
Coppatuseo ——-Sturgeon (fish)
Coscushaw ——- Greenbrier root (used to make bread)
Croatoan ———-Council town or permanent town
Dasamonquepeu –Peninsula
Ehqutonahas —– Stop Talking (shut up)
Guapacina ——– Brass
Kew’as ———— God
Kewasowock —– Gods
Ka ka torwawirocs yowo —How is this called?
Kinnakeet———–land jetting out sharply
Kurustuwes nir —-Listen to me
Kuwumaras ——-I love you
Mincon ————food
Manchauemec—- Croaker (fish)
Masunnehockeo –Sheeps head (fish)
Meeaquous——- Cardinal (bird)
Mushaniq ——-Squirrel
Manteo ———-To snatch
Metequesunnak–Cactus Bulb
Mahta ————No
Mishcosk——– Red
Memelkson —– Skink
Nek—————My Mother
Nohsh————My Father
Nuntanuhs——-My Daughter
Nuqisus———-My Son
Nunohum ——- My Grandmother
Numohshomus– My Grandfather
Nipatas ———- Stand up
Nuturuwins —–I am called
Oonossa ———Pine tree
Okindgier —— —–Beans
Opossum————–to carry in a pouch
Pagatowr ————-Corn
Pyas——————-Come here!
Paquiwoc————-People of the shallow water
Pumitukew ———-River (also where word Pamlico comes from)
Reapoke ————- Devil
Sapummener———Chest nut
Seekanauk-———-Horseshoe crab
Sa kir winkan?—– Are you well?
Sacquenuckot—— Marsh rabbit
Teteszo ———— -Stripe Bass (fish)
Tesicqueo ———-King snake
Uppowoc ———–Tobacco or to smoke
Umpe (nupuy) –—-Water
Wingapo ———–How are you/hello
Winkan Nupes —-Sleep well
Wickonzowr—– –Peas
Winauk ————Sassafrass
Wanchese———-to take flight from water
Win-gan-a-coa—–Welcome friend (when talking to a stranger)
Waboose———–Bunny, baby rabbit
Wiroans ———–Leader, councilman
Yapam ————Ocean