Selections relating to the period of the Tuscarora War (1711-1713). Tuscaroras, Senecas, Meherrins, Mattamuskeets and Englishmen refusing to serve in the war against the Tuscaroras and their allies are mentioned.
Excerpt from the Journal of John “Tuscarora Jack” Barnwell
According to Barnwell, Fort Hancock was designed for the Tuscaroras by a “runaway negro” slave named Harry. Also in this entry (representing one single day of Barnwell’s long campaign against the Tuscarora) Barnwell insults and condemns the local Palatines who had participated with him in his assault on the fort by calling them “cowards” and […]
The Trial of Christoph von Graffenried & John Lawson
An excerpt from von Graffenried’s Account of the Founding of New Bern. Details the journey made by Lawson and von Graffenried into Tuscarora territory, including their capture, trial, and the execution of John Lawson.
Bertie County Deed Book M – 1777 – Various Abstracts
(From Deeds of Bertie County 1772-1785, Abstracted by Stephen Bradley, Jr. – typed from copy for this website by Sara Whitford) (Entries below can be found on page 31 of aforementioned book.) 296-(314) Articles of agreement between WHITMELL TUFDICK, WILLIAM ROBERTS, WILLIAM CAIN, WILLIAM BLOUNT, TOM SMITH, JOHN SMITH, & LEWIS TUFDICK of Bertie Co., […]
1790 Coastal Carolina Indian Cross-Reference Database
IMPORTANT! Please note that individuals listed here are not necessarily Indian. They may be free blacks, mulattos, mestizos, or any other non-white citizens. This is just intended to be a potential starting point for your research. Free People of Color – by County – 1790 Federal Census A cross-reference using surnames, known names of Indian […]